Your Carer, Your Choice
You will meet a shared lives carer to see if they are compatible for your needs and their home. We will be happy to answer any questions that you might have around the carer and their home.
This is where we will utilise our matching process which enables us to find the right carer for you , it is important that you are compatible for each other. This will involve home visits , individual and multi-agency meetings to ensure we get it right for everyone.
Any further questions or queries that you have will be answered at the time of the matching process.

Enjoying Each Other's Company
You do not have to like all the same things but it is important that you enjoy each other’s company and have fun as well as learning new or lost skills together.
There are lots of things that can make someone a good shared lives carer.
They should understand your needs and they able to support you in a person centred way.
They will respect your personal choices and values in your day to day life along with your religious and cultural beliefs.

Is Shared Lives Right For Me?
Shared lives carers come from all walks of life and will have different life experiences which will enhance the quality of support and care they can offer to enhance your life.
Shared lives carers are provided with mandatory training and where necessary specialised training will be provided to suit the needs of the individual requiring placement.
The carers prior to approval must go through a robust process to ensure safe recruitment and that their home complies with current health and safety legislation